Thanks Efrat. Love your interviews. Learning about the Coin. Will buy. And, I guess you're hoping the internet is here forever. Is digital currency sovereignty ? Or dependence? Sovereignty is not dependent. And at this point only people with extra fiat money can buy. Will that ever change?
Since I am a beginner this assessment could be wrong. And I haven't listen to this interview yet.
I'm not really "hoping", i'm realistic. It's highly probable that the internet is here forever. invented in the 50-60's as a government project and only advanced to the public in the 80-90's, it became a revolution in communications and a real progress to society and humanity. it is not going away. based on that, digital services are not going away. we're not going back to the days of manual analog life, although in many aspects I love and embrace that - like home gardening, food growing etc.
in terms of money, i don't think it's sustainable to hope for barter economy. it will not last because of "coincidence of wants" problem. google it.
sovereignty can be achieved even when some parts of life are digital, thanks to encryption. I recommend Erik Cason's book "cryptosovereignty", to go deeper on that. I interviewed him will release in coming weeks/months.
it's wrong to think only people with extra fiat money can buy. you have money in pensions? real estate? savings in the bank? move it to bitcoin. you don't have any assets? start saving 100 dollars per month in bitcoin. it's possible. I hope it helps. (and this is not financial advise... just my opinion).
Yeah your argument seems to be "muh encryption" which seems like a strategic misdirection from the glaringly obvious issue of exchanges and being able to buy tangible, meaningful goods and services without government surveillance and control through the exchanges or a CBDC you've conditioned people to accept via bitcoin. This stinks
Can you help me u derstand how moving everyone to a new digital currency that can and will have new oppressive, restrictive laws placed on it by the government is a good idea? Bit coin means nothing u less you can cash it out at an exchange. And if exchanges are controlled by the government, which they will be, that's the choke point to realizing value. So it feels like you're trying to lead/condition the sheep to accept a digital currency completely ignoring the fact the government will makes its own rules and force them on the public completely destroying this sovereign money....thing. what am I missing?
Thanks Efrat. Love your interviews. Learning about the Coin. Will buy. And, I guess you're hoping the internet is here forever. Is digital currency sovereignty ? Or dependence? Sovereignty is not dependent. And at this point only people with extra fiat money can buy. Will that ever change?
Since I am a beginner this assessment could be wrong. And I haven't listen to this interview yet.
I'm not really "hoping", i'm realistic. It's highly probable that the internet is here forever. invented in the 50-60's as a government project and only advanced to the public in the 80-90's, it became a revolution in communications and a real progress to society and humanity. it is not going away. based on that, digital services are not going away. we're not going back to the days of manual analog life, although in many aspects I love and embrace that - like home gardening, food growing etc.
in terms of money, i don't think it's sustainable to hope for barter economy. it will not last because of "coincidence of wants" problem. google it.
sovereignty can be achieved even when some parts of life are digital, thanks to encryption. I recommend Erik Cason's book "cryptosovereignty", to go deeper on that. I interviewed him will release in coming weeks/months.
it's wrong to think only people with extra fiat money can buy. you have money in pensions? real estate? savings in the bank? move it to bitcoin. you don't have any assets? start saving 100 dollars per month in bitcoin. it's possible. I hope it helps. (and this is not financial advise... just my opinion).
This helps!
Yeah your argument seems to be "muh encryption" which seems like a strategic misdirection from the glaringly obvious issue of exchanges and being able to buy tangible, meaningful goods and services without government surveillance and control through the exchanges or a CBDC you've conditioned people to accept via bitcoin. This stinks
Can you help me u derstand how moving everyone to a new digital currency that can and will have new oppressive, restrictive laws placed on it by the government is a good idea? Bit coin means nothing u less you can cash it out at an exchange. And if exchanges are controlled by the government, which they will be, that's the choke point to realizing value. So it feels like you're trying to lead/condition the sheep to accept a digital currency completely ignoring the fact the government will makes its own rules and force them on the public completely destroying this sovereign money....thing. what am I missing?