We covered so much! From Climate agenda, to carbon taxation, geo-engineering, awakening, Oct. 7th, Israel-Gaza war, new monetary order, CBDC and much more..
You suggested that there might be notes available to reference some of the online examples you offered.
One in particular I'd like to learn more about is the woman who chased down the aerosol spraying flight team and supervisor asking why they were doing the spraying and to whom did they report.
You stated she had a substack page, but I was unable to discern her name/her substack, etc.
Please provide it if you are willing and thanks again for all you do.
Crazy times.
Some day it would be nice to hear (if there is any) the rational for why Bitcoin is flying all over the place in value. Is/are there additional indicators one can also watch to correlate directional movement? I've found none to date.
Ms. Efrat,
Excellent Podcast with Tom Nelson.
You suggested that there might be notes available to reference some of the online examples you offered.
One in particular I'd like to learn more about is the woman who chased down the aerosol spraying flight team and supervisor asking why they were doing the spraying and to whom did they report.
You stated she had a substack page, but I was unable to discern her name/her substack, etc.
Please provide it if you are willing and thanks again for all you do.
Crazy times.
Some day it would be nice to hear (if there is any) the rational for why Bitcoin is flying all over the place in value. Is/are there additional indicators one can also watch to correlate directional movement? I've found none to date.
Best & Blessings to you and yours.