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Thx Daniel

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I know Tom Nelson and am one of his early interviewees. Hence I found you. You can find me and some of my talks on TV and to podcasts and conferences on the facts of energy and climate change You Tube as Brian RL Catt and elsewhere, and Tom's site, and @catandman. brian.catt@deconfused.com

MAIN MESSAGE: Carl Sagan predicted this a few days before he died.

90s is all he takes. Do the F****** work and watch the F****** the video ;-)


Your points are well made. And Agenda 21/30 is there to read, also the C40 policies. And its in UK Policy documents from our Climate Change Committee in the UK. But even this easily verifiable reality is denied by the lumpen proletariat, who much prefer to deny the reality to avoid the effort and believe what they are told. Happy to line up in front of the showers to save the planet on the man's say so if it saves them from doing the fucking work - and thinking.

Bread and circuses still works

QUESTION: Saving it from what, for whom? A total denial of the prime directive of the enlightenment, to prefer the advance of human civilisation on Earth.

Do you have knowledge of the report from Iron Mountain and the activities of David Rockefeller before he got Maurice Strong into the UN as Deputy Secretary general to create Agenda 21 for Rio '92.?

The enabling reason this can happen is Sagan's reason, the stupid, lazy minded, ignorance of grunt politicians and the simple binary emotionally led, know-nowt people who vote for them, and are manipulated by them. Sagan also points out something Jefferson made clear , that was an informed population was essential to question power, and to hold power to account. But they won't "do the fucking work" because they are not capable, educated or interested enough, often all three, so easily lead by Sagan's charlatans. As he makes clear. TTFN

PS I am technical but have no idea about substacks, whatevertheyare.


Eur Ing Brian Catt CEng, CPhys, MBA



+44 1932 772731

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Brian, thank you so much! I appreciate the long good solid feedback. Senator Malcolm Roberts told me about Maurice strong. I suggest you watch my episode with him. It’s all connected and coming together.

Take care

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thanks for the flowers

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