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Yet another great podcast and guest! Stephan has such a broad and interesting background, he is able to speak intelligently on tons of topics. Lots of takeaways from this one, but first I must say I love how you share things about yourself during these episodes (I didn't realize that you lived in Australia for a number of years!). One of Stephan's statements that really resonated with me was simply "There are cultural consequences with fiat currency." That speaks volumes on it's own. A few examples of some interesting points he made (in no particular order) was his concept that there seems to be injustice with a two-tier policing system where some peaceful protests such as anti-lockdown (COVID) or the Canadian Trucker protests are blasted by media while other more violent protests occur where cities are being destroyed and burned are allowed to happen. Agree 100%. Additionally, found the discussion contrasting monarchies and democracies interesting, as well as the idea that many government managers are more focused on how many staff they have rather than actual results. Finally, found the discussion on immigration dynamics absolutely fascinating, where people with less money from struggling countries may come to the western world for more opportunity while people in the Western world that achieve more wealth may end up going in the opposite direction to pay less taxes and have a safer environment. In short, another AWESOME episode!

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