A good way to mitigate carbon emissions is to stop dropping bombs. Wondering if anyone has suggested this to global governments. Novel idea, we know…maybe it will catch on.

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Too innovative for them

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Yes...certainly seems that way.

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This is infuriating! And it's coming for us all.

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Indeed... this is on top of an increase in VAT of 0.5% starting next year, and a cost of living that is becoming unsustainable.

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UK next in line?

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they will all lockstep.

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Rather large baby steps now 🥴

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Efrat, I have been exposing this - the single greatest looting scam in the history of the world (to the tune of tens of trillions of dollars) - for a long time now.

Here in Canada, we are subject to these Carbon Taxes that are collected whereby $0 actually goes to Environmental programs. Rather, as confirmed to me by an energy expert in an interview, the money simply goes into the goverment's coffers - a large portion of which then gets funnelled out of the country to the UN, The Global Fund (www.theglobalfund.org), and other criminal organisations.

We aren't talking chicken feed change either. Here in Canada we are talking in the hundreds of billions of dollars looted from taxpayers for a non-existent "climate crisis". Here is but one of my articles on this:

- Trudeau & Freeland set to Carbon-Tax Canadians $140 billion yearly, Dec 08, 2022


As for the MASTERMIND/PRINCIPLE ARCHITECT behind all of this, we have none other than our very own Canadian bankster-par-excellence in Mark Carney, one of the greatest enemies humanity has ever faced.

I am currently working on a massive expose with a fellow investigative journalist that will fully expose this snake. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, you can have a look at how Carney is central to this Climate Scam Looting from a mind map I made in a recent article:

‘Climate Change Cartel’ Mind Map


direct image link: https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F0951a7ca-7024-4a57-ad94-f384c280dbde_3509x2481.jpeg

Banks, financial regulators, insurance co's, the airline industry, the UN, etc., are all in on it too.

People, including those in your country, need to really start to push back against this mad thievery. Refuse to pay. We are not fools, nor slaves!

Thanks for bringing this to light.

God bless.

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Dropping hundreds of thousands of bombs during the genocide of Palestine is also destroying the climate

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Can’t help but notice lately it’s always women in powerful positions destroying civilization. Orthodox Judaism prohibits women in leading positions- looks like the ancients knew a little something about the nature of women…….

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I don't think your conclusion is right. there are good and bad women like in every group. the globalists and following them the politicians tend to put women in power in recent years to execute evil plans, because once they'll be attacked by the public, they could draw the "you're a misogynist" card, and they distracted the attention from the evil plan. wonderful trick - exercised these days to some extent with the "antisemitic" card.

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Leave asap! the place is a ticking time bomb anyway.

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