Humans need to teach their children to always point out naked kings...

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Human is a legal term defined by the Uniformed Commercial Code. You will be surprised.

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Are you talking about the Uniform Commercial Code?

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Yes, “Uniform”.

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Efrat, I don't know the source or if it'S reliable, BUT, PLEASE, TAKE WARNING!! I don't want to see another Hamas-type massacre.


"IDF ignoring warnings about impending massacre in Judea, Samaria, say sources

'Planning same thing here, hoarding weapons, training'"

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May Omer rest in peace. May all Israelis have justice and peace.

Where is my G-d that he lets his children suffer?

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Another poignant and beautifully done interview, Efrat. It makes my heart so big it will burst. I hope it reaches a much wider audience. I share wherever I can.

Ending with Nessie Gomes was particularly brilliant and added so much to the exquisite pain of suffering and the beauty in being human if we could just uphold it.

We are at another critical juncture in history, perhaps the most important ever. We must end this epoch of dominion and conquering in the name of building civilization and the distorted greed of power and money. It is truly diabolical, as we see with our own eyes and far too many experience with grotesque mutilation and taking of their precious lives.

The story has been told to us incorrectly the last few thousand years. There is no Dominion. Once we understand this, there will be no wars with such wanton disregard for life. There will always be differences but no more killing for it.

If you ask a man if war could be stopped, they will almost all give you an emphatic No. This is what they’re taught. It embeds deeply in their DNA. Ask a woman the same question, and they will almost all tell you Yes. Women bear fruit, we bear life, life grows inside us, so we Know what the men in power don’t yet understand.

When what you’re doing brings this much violence and suffering and pain and annihilation; when what you’re doing keeps producing the same result; when you knock at a door and it doesn’t open so you tear it down- you are doing something very wrong. Against nature, against life. It’s taking too long to learn and too many are paying the price.

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Who allowed the Gaza envelope holocaust? this was my first question as well. still is. after 911, after covid, you start to ask a lot more questions. especially when things don't add up. and they certainly aren't adding up for me with the gaza attack.

if the long term goal is to control gaza and the west bank, to take that land, i think there might be an expiration date on it. right now the US backs Israel no matter what. but imo the US has reached peak power and is in decline. dollar loosing it's power. china, russia, challenging. so maybe now or never.

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ISRAEL is a British owned corporation. The Israeli government just like 98% of the governments of the world including the Arab Countries are modeled after the British South Africa Company. Study that and you will understand the genocide, forced medical experiments, and the concentration camps.

Bibi and his top rank officials did not do anything to stop the attack because their employers ordered them to step down. The Office of Prime Minister is an office within the British system. They do not work for the people of Israel. They work for the British corporation and their priority is to make profit and control over resources for their investors and board of Directors. The dark forces is nothing more than the infiltration of the Canaanite religion in Judaism. They have done to Jews what they did to the Christians. They pretend to be us to steal our identity and steal our resources and kill us off on our names using our own children to do it.

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...reading this is very touching, Efrat!...heartfelt condolences to Lino Hermesh and family!..🙏🙏🙏...

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